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Authority and Responsibilities

  1. Determine the policies, strategies, work plans, command, corporate plans and targets for the Company’s business, to comply with the policies as determined by the Board of Directors. 

  2. Plan the investment and capital raising process according to the Company’s policies.

  3. Approve the appointment of consultant as necessary for business operations. 

  4. Determine the employee’s benefits as appropriate to situations, cultures and relevant regulations. 

  5. Approve the procurement, cancellation, or selling of assets, investments and other expenses necessary for business operations, the details are mentioned in the authority plan.

  6. Approve the asset procurement, expenses due to the Company’s operations, under the contract and/or the agreement
    with the business partners. The details are mentioned in the authority plan.

  7. Authorize the Managing Director to operate the business within the scope of authority and responsibility as determined by the Executive Board under the supervision of the Executive Board. 

  8. Authorize any Executive Board or any person or persons to operate under the control of the Executive Board within a period of time deemed fitting by the Executive Board. The Executive Board may cancel, withdraw, change, or revise authorized persons or authorizations as deemed necessary. 

  9. Have authority and responsibility according to policies assigned by the Board of Directors.

    The Scope of Authority for Approval of Executive Board is under the principles of laws and regulations of the SEC and SET or the laws that is related to the Company business as well as the Company’s articles of association.

    In all, any potential connected transaction or conflict of interests or related person by the law, regulations and/or article of association with the Company or subsidiaries. The transaction with such nature must be proposed to the Board of Directors and/or the Shareholders’ meeting (depending on the issue) for approval according to the Company’s regulations or relevant laws.