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Authority and Responsibilities


  1. Consider the board structure, in terms of size, composition, and the proportion of Independent Directors in the Board of Directors to be appropriate to the business, organization, and the relevant environment.

  2. Consider, set up and review the guidelines and policies in nominating the Board of Directors and other Committee Members, including the qualifications of Board Members and Top Executives or key positions in the management structure on the Company’s Good Corporate Governance Manual and Succession Plan. The guideline and policies are also reviewed annually and proposed to the Board of Directors at least once a year.

  3. Nominate the candidates for the position of Directors, Committee Members who retired by rotation and / or appointed to the appropriateness of the structure and qualifications of the Board of Directors to meet the required specifications. The nominees have to be proposed to the Board of Directors and/or to the meeting of shareholders for approval (case by case basis). 

  4. Prepare a Skill Matrix development plan to continuously improve skills, knowledge and relevant abilities in order to achieve the performance objectives, goals and the best interests of the organization.

  5. In case the Board of Directors has appointed any individuals to be a consultant, his/her information including independence or no conflict of interest shall be disclosed in the annual report. 

  6. Coordinate to arrange orientation for new directors according to the guidelines of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Development Plan.

  7. Assess the performance of Managing Director and propose to the Board of Directors for approval.

  8. Perform other issues relating to the nomination as assigned by the Board of Directors, with the consent of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.


  1. Consider and review the guidelines and policy of remuneration for the Board and Committees, both monetary and non-monetary of which are the fixed rate of remuneration (such as Meeting Allowance and Remuneration Allowance), and remuneration depending on the company’s operation results (such as bonus) with principles or guidelines and structure which are fair and reasonable. Moreover, the review of guidelines and policy shall be consistent with the strategies and long-term goals of the company, by comparing to other company in the related industry and at a similar level, as well as being accountability and responsibility both regular and assigned duties and considering the business expansion and the growth of the company’s profits, then propose to the Shareholders’ Meeting for approval.

  2. Consider and review the guidelines and policy of remuneration for the Managing Director, which includes wages, yearly bonus and other benefits, both monetary and non-monetary, with principles or guidelines and structure which are fair and reasonable. The review of guidelines and policy shall be consistent with the strategies and long-term goals of the company, by comparing to other company in the related industry and at a similar level, as well as being accountability and responsibility both regular and assigned duties and considering the business expansion and the growth of the company’s profits

  3. In case the Board of Directors has appointed any individuals to be a consultant, his/her information including independence, or no conflict of interest shall be disclosed in the annual report. 

  4. Perform other issues relating to the remuneration as assigned by the Board of Directors with the consent of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

Corporate Governance

  1. Support the Company to allow the shareholders to nominate directors to replace those who retired by rotation prior to the Annual General Meeting.

  2. Provide policy, guideline and the performance assessment, as well as consider Self Assessments of Board, Committees and Executives both on an individual and team basis including the senior management assessment, then proposed to the Board of Directors for approval.

  3. Perform other issues relating to the corporate governance as assigned by the Board of Directors with the consent of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

  4. Determine, review and proposed the charter of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to the Board of Directors for approve annually and perform the duties completely.

  5. Report the duties as required by the SET as well as the relevant authorities and published in the Company’s Annual Report. The report must be signed by the Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.