
Guidelines for Implementation

Guidelines No.1

The Directors, Executives, the Company’s employees shall comply with the anti-corruption policy, ethics and code of business conducts, including the policy and guidelines for the stakeholders, the Company’s work regulations and relevant procedure manual, including other guidelines as defined in the future. Prohibit from involving the corruptions in all forms, for the direct or indirect benefits shall be adhered as well.  

Guidelines No.2

Employees shall not ignore, neglect, or pay no attention to the corruption related actions with the Company / Subsidiaries. The notification shall be reported to the supervisor or the person in charge immediately and cooperate in the audit/investigation of the facts. In case of doubt or inquiries, the reporters shall consult supervisor or persons responsible for monitoring compliance of ethics and code of business conduct via the channels as the Company defined. 

Guidelines No.3

The Anti-Corruption Policy covers human resources management processes on recruiting, training, evaluation, promoting and benefits, etc. Supervisors in all levels must communicate to their subordinates and must control the operation with effectiveness, including being role models of honesty, good morals, ethics and professional code of conducts. 

Guidelines No.4

Any activities which may incur a risk of corruption, the directors, executives and employees in all levels must consider and perform with caution, such as giving or accepting gifts, entertainment, contribution with the business relationship, procurement, etc., must be in compliance with the regulations set forth in the code of business conducts.

Guidelines No.5

The Company / Subsidiary focus on training, disseminate knowledges and policies through orientation for new employees. Moreover, the announcement, e-mail, the company's website, or other appropriate methods are continually disseminated for the employees throughout the organization and other related person performing their duties to the Company / Subsidiaries, to be aware of the policies and guidelines of anti-corruption. 

Guidelines No.6

The Company commits to encourage employee the awareness of corporate culture and maintain the integrity, ethics, code of conduct, and anti-corruption in every participating action.