

Guidelines for Prevention and Anti-Corruption

The Company has taken measure to prevent and anti-corruption for the Directors, Executives and Employees to adhere as a guideline and performed the Anti-Corruption Policy along with each operations activity. The Company would assess the risk of corruption that might arise in each process regularly. In case of corruption or misconduct action was found, employees in all level and all stakeholders could notify through the Company’s channels as defined, to proceed the auditing, solving and preventing, including reporting to the Board of Directors in order to prevent and monitor the risk of corruption. 

Those whistle-blower / complainants could consider the channels of notifying as appropriate. Anyway, the Company had measures to investigate and determine the disciplinary action of the Company and/or the related laws. In case of a capable of contacting the whistle-blower / complainants, the Company would notify the operation result in writing.

In addition, the Company’s internal audit team would be responsible for monitoring by the quarterly monitoring plan and reporting to the Audit Committee for consideration, review, as well as presenting to the Board of Directors for appropriate solution and determination.

The Whistle-blower / Complainants Protection Policy

In addition, the Company has the policy to defend the appellants by keeping appellants’ information as secrecy. The appellants are able to choose not to reveal themselves if the disclosure will cause insecurity or damage. In case of the appellants are identified, the Company will retain personal information such as confidential and corrective action. The action plans are to review the information as well as reporting to the Board of Directors on the matters affecting significantly, in order to consider the recommendations and remedial actions or legal proceedings for such offense later.

  • Receive
    - E-mail / Postal
    - Supervisor / Manager / HR Department / Suggestion Box
  • Collection
    The Company Secretary / the Secretary of the Independent Committee / the Audit Committee / The assignment will collect and review the information
  • Action
    Remedial actions or legal proceedings for such offense later.
  • Report
    Propose the Independent Committee / the Audit Committee to consider consequently and report to the Board of Directors in order to consider the recommendations.
  • Action
    Remedial actions or legal proceedings for such offense later.

Whistleblowing / Complaints / Comments or Suggestions

The Board of Directors respects all the stakeholders to participate in the matters which benefit to the business development of the Company, or the complaints in case of rights violation, comment, or suggestion on suspicion of corruption to the Audit Committee, who are independent directors. The channels for all stakeholders to submit their whistleblowing / complaints / comments or suggestions together with the supporting contact data are as below:

Independent Committee
Company Secretary Officer
Postal Independent Committee / Company Secretary Officer
Thai Nondestructive Testing Public Company Limited.
 19 Soi Suason 8, Ramkhamhaeng Rd., Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240
Tel. +662-735-0801 (Auto 10 lines)
Fax +662-735-1941

The Company Secretary / the Secretary of the Independent Committee / the Audit Committee will collect the information and propose to the Independent Committee / the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors for consideration consequently. 
The information can be viewed on the Company’s website (, the Annual information Disclosure (56-1) and the Annual Report (56-2), the Corporate Governance Manual and the Code of business Conducts.