
Good Corporate Governance Policy

The Board of Directors, as the leadership to achieve sustainable corporate value creation, realized the significance of efficient and transparent management by setting up the policies of ethics and code of business conduct and good corporate governance, in aspects of the organization’s structure and the management strategies which would stipulate the roles and systematic operations that were transparent and accountability. For examples: Clear mission and strategies, transparency to operate the business, taking care of safety of personal, property and environment both in organization and communities nearby, complying with the rules and regulations of the Company, the requirements and notification of SET and CMSB and the laws which related to the business, etc. The Board has monitored the Executives and Employees to commit and complied regularly with the good corporate governance, the rules and regulation concerning to the business operations. This would project the better standards of management, bring out the various groups of Stakeholders to be confidence in the Company’s good image and contribute to the development of a truly sustainable business. 

The Board of Directors has set up the principles of corporate governance in written for the Directors, Executives and Employees to adhere and practice. The review and approval of the policies should be done by the Board every year. In the Board’s Meeting No. 1/2024 on February 23, 2024, the Board of Directors has considered, reviewed and approved the principles of corporate governance (revised edition in 2019) to be used continuously till the present.

Governance Corporate Report
