NDT and Inspection services as well as engineering consulting and technical development services to a broad range of industries for over 38 years.
Plant Maintenance & Inspection Services
In-Service Inspection is the practice of examining the physical condition of materials, components, or entire pieces of equipment in order to determine if and for how long it will operate as intended. Inspection plays a vital role in any asset integrity management program. Inspection provides information about the current condition of the equipment in question and may provide information to validate the reliability prediction for the equipment (i.e. validate the accuracy of the equipment remaining life estimation).
Corrosion Under Pipe Support (CUPS)

Corrosion under pipe supports (CUPS) presents a particular threat to pipework integrity due to local deterioration mechanisms and difficulties of inspection. The areas between the pipe and its supports are vulnerable to corrosion attack. This issue has been identified as a very significant source of potential corrosion related failures.
Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) technology provides effective assessment of CUPS that is a method of screening for corrosion.